And the Winner is....

After 2 weeks of cooking and some serious deliberation from our panel of judges, I am pleased to announce the winners of Ruru Class My Kitchen Rules 2018 as Caio and Harrison of Amigos restaurant. Congratulations boys! I think the smiles say it all. Each child has taken a recipe book home including all the meals that have been cooked so you can try them at home.


  1. A big thank you from all the staff at our school who got to be the judges. We were very impressed with the quality of the cooking and presentation. Thanks to Emma Heslin, their teacher for setting this up and to all the parents who got in behind their children and supplied food or helped them practice their skills at home. We really were quite blown away by the quality of food - it was delicious. Congratulations to our winners Caio and Harrison - your dessert outstanding.


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