Proud Moments week 1

Students in the class can take a selfie peg and attach it to their work if they are especially proud of the effort they have put in. Each week I will add these to our blog.

Here are last weeks proud moments:

 Luke was proud of the times tables he worked out!

 And the arrays he has started to use.

 Ishhara was proud of how she thought about this picture.

Eddie was proud of his fantastic handwriting!


  1. Nice one Eddie, great work!
    Awesome Luke and Ishara too - very neat, and great math. :)

    Eddie, you should practice your j's with this:
    Jack be nimble
    Jack be quick
    Jack jumped over the candlestick
    Jack jumped high
    Jack jumped low
    Jack jumped over and burnt his toe!

    Jeepers ;)


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